Microclimate is a very important environmental condition for crops, which refers to the local climatic conditions existing in a relatively small area.
It is directly linked to environmental control in the greenhouse. The importance of microclimate is due to its potential to increase productivity, on the one hand by limiting quality and productivity deterioration, and on the other hand by improving quality, ripening time and increasing yield. In agriculture, control the microclimate to achieve the desired amount of sunlight, humidity, nutrients, temperature, wind, and CO2 for plant growth.
If the temperature is too low, vegetables are weakened and their ripening time is delayed, affecting production. If the temperature is too high, the plant quickly loses its sap and the fiber quality will decrease rapidly. Therefore, growers must be able to keep the temperature within certain optimal limits to ensure proper vegetable growth. Relative humidity is another determining factor in crop microclimate. Relative humidity influences both plant growth and the production of other agricultural products. A microclimate with adequate relative humidity allows for better air exchange between the atmosphere and the soil, resulting in a better supply of nutrients to the plants.
On the other hand, high relative humidity can lead to early flowering and rotting. Sunlight is the basic element that directly affects the microclimate in crops. Sunlight provides energy to plants for growth and development, which is of utmost importance for their well-regulated growth. Plants must receive an adequate amount of sunlight for healthy growth, so a controlled microclimate is important to contain an accurate amount of sunlight. The natural proportion of sunlight reaching a particular area can vary due to climatic factors, such as clouds and storms.

Finally, CO2 concentration has a considerable impact on the microclimate of crops.
Carbon dioxide is essential for normal plant development, so it is important to keep carbon available in the microclimate. CO2 production by vegetation can increase the overall temperature, which can be detrimental to healthy crop growth. In conclusion, microclimate is a very important environmental condition for crops and is necessary for proper crop growth. Therefore, microclimate is a key factor for successful agriculture.
Thermal netting helps us to microclimate in crops, Microclimate has become a broad concept that describes the climate locally affected by a combination of environmental factors, such as position, terrain, topography, winds and air temperature. This complexity makes creating an optimal microclimate for crops an elusive goal for growers and supported with initiatives such as the use of thermal netting. One of the main characteristics of thermal netting is its resistance to intense heat from the sun. This robust ability means that thermal netting can sustain the directional effects of the sun while limiting solar radiation where needed, allowing microclimate control.
If the heat is excessive, the nets can reduce the temperature by increasing the accumulation of air below the net, in a protective space that will keep your crop safe. Thermal netting also improves the microclimate by containing the wind.

The netting also maintains moisture within the harvest area, which is important for both crops and the environment.
An aggravating factor of excessive evaporation is dehydration, which is a phenomenon known to cause serious crop damage. The thermal netting forms a protective barrier that prevents dehydration damage to crops. During all seasons of the year, thermal netting protects and improves the environment to prevent crop damage.
Thermal netting also keeps the environment cool and moist and slows temperature rise, allowing for better air circulation and ideal timing for ripening and harvesting. By combining the use of techniques such as fertilizers, pest control and environmentally friendly farming practices, farmers will have an abundant and excellent quality crop.